martes, 19 de enero de 2010

"Madonna, the myth, the performer"

Looking back at everything she has achieved so far it is clear that Madonna's career has been as much about music as it has been about performing. Today they are instantly sold out and epic but two decades ago already Madonna's tours made headlines and history.

1993: Bill Clinton was inaugurated, the Web was invented and Madonna did the Girlie Show.

It was her fourth, it came after the one she had deemed would be her last... And while further establishing her music as universal and iconic, symbolic of a generation, it really meant that the world discovered the ultimate performer. On the menu were the hit songs but also the dancing and sense of visual harmony and mostly there were the outfits. A wardrobe designed by the design duo she had met a few years before and was going to follow her throughout the years, Dolce & Gabbana.

This few exclusive sketches thought up by the designers show the range and level of wow factor and offer a good overviewr of the performance.


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